Waiting for Edward

Waiting (for a really really long time)

(Zorak is riding on Space Ghost's shoulders)

ZORAK: Yah! Yah!

SPACE GHOST: Hang on, Zorak, hang -

Waiting (again briefly)

(In control room, Moltar throws the lever, a black and white photo of a bald man wearing a tie appears on monitor, followed by a test pattern with a "7", followed by Denis Leary)

DENIS LEARY: Moltar, how are ya?

MOLTAR: This is how I am, Denis. (pulls lever) I'm destroying the planet. (klaxon siren in background)

DENIS LEARY: Get outta here.

MOLTAR: Yeah. And I'm havin' a sale, too.

VOICE: Seven minutes, twenty seven seconds until total devastation.

MOLTAR: Whattya think about that?

DENIS LEARY: Now you, you overstep your, your boundaries when it comes to power.

MOLTAR: How about a free kick in the throat?

DENIS LEARY: See what I'm saying?

MOLTAR: (throws lever, sends Denis to the studio monitor) Bah! (laughs)

SPACE GHOST: (invisos in to control room) Moltar, are you trying to destroy the - Oooh! Are you having another Total Devastation sale? (looks at sign:)


Take an additional 30%
off all men's outerwear!

MOLTAR: Yup! Everything must go.

SPACE GHOST: I don't have any money! (punches Moltar in the face)

(Moltar and Space Ghost proceed to punch each other rock'em sock'em style)

(In the studio; Denis is already on the monitor)

ZORAK: Wow! Denis Leary! I've seen all your movies!

DENIS LEARY: Thank you, thank you.

ZORAK: I didn't think they were very good. (Beat) What'd you think?

(In the control room; Space Ghost is lying on the floor, Moltar is standing on his back)

SPACE GHOST: Ooh! Get off my back!

MOLTAR: (laughs, hops onto his head) Ooh, sorry! (laughs)

SPACE GHOST: My head! This is going in your file! (invisos out, Moltar drops to the floor)

(In the studio)

SPACE GHOST: (invisos in) Hello! I'm Space Ghost!

ZORAK: And I'm Zorak.

SPACE GHOST: Nobody cares who you are, Zorak.

ZORAK: (BEAT) Man, you're wrong about that.

SPACE GHOST: (Beat) Okay, okay, everybody pipe down. Guest is here, it's interview time. (invisos to desk while Zorak plays cheesy funky organ music; Space Ghost plays with his inviso control, fading in and out for about fifteen seconds, until music stops)

SPACE GHOST: I like that that happened. (Beat) I'm gonna do that again. (Music starts again, Space Ghost resumes invisoing in and out) (moans) Denis...

DENIS LEARY: Hi, how are ya?

SPACE GHOST: (still invisoing in and out) Good, good, and you?

DENIS LEARY: Oh, okay, good.

SPACE GHOST: Mmmm. (finally finishes invisoing in) (sighs) Ah, there we are. Denis, are you a leprechaun?

DENIS LEARY: No, there's no such thing as leprechauns. (sips water)

SPACE GHOST: Oh, yeah, yeah, I was gonna say.


SPACE GHOST: (looks at his card) Okay then... well, that's all I got. We done here?


DENIS LEARY: Uh, I have one question for you, have you ever thought of taking a vacation and - (Space Ghost is walking towards Zorak's pod) You're not listenin'.

SPACE GHOST: (to Zorak) Say, what's this thing?

ZORAK: Don't touch it, it's mine!

SPACE GHOST: When did you get this?

ZORAK: I've had it.

SPACE GHOST: (presses a keyboard key, a riff plays) You didn't tell me this was a synthesizer! (plays a few other keys) It has samples! Hey, get out of there, scoot over!

ZORAK: Hey, quit, quit shovin'!

SPACE GHOST: Mine! My turn!

ZORAK: Jerk!

SPACE GHOST: (sitting in pod; he sings his lines while he plays a melody on the keyboard) 'Hey Denis, what brings you to these parts?'

DENIS LEARY: Uhhhh... you asked me to appear on the show, so I -

SPACE GHOST: I did? Oh yeah! (sings and plays) 'I did, didn't I?'

DENIS LEARY: I'm actually doing this as a sort of a, uh, a payback for my kids, 'cause they're big fans of your show. I don't really watch the show, and I'm not really a big fan, I don't think you're that funny, quite frankly.

SPACE GHOST: (sings and plays) 'Not that funny, eh?'

DENIS LEARY: Well, my kids watch the show, so I'm on the show 'cause it'll please my kids.

SPACE GHOST: (sings and plays) 'So the feelings of your stupid kids are more important than mine.'


SPACE GHOST: (stops playing, walks over to studio monitor) Who do you think you are?

DENIS LEARY: I think the universe knows who I am, Space Ghost.

SPACE GHOST: Then who do you think the universe knows I am, Denis?

DENIS LEARY: Space Ghost, and I'm Denis Leary, of course. Master of the universe.

SPACE GHOST: (sitting at desk) (laughs) Master?! I know one or two guys who might disagree with you. (whispers) Master!

DENIS LEARY: Like who?


DENIS LEARY: Okay, who else, on the list?

SPACE GHOST: (Beat) Star wars.

DENIS LEARY: Okay, so let's say that I'm, uh... master of the -

SPACE GHOST: You're sure you're not a leprechaun?

DENIS LEARY: (Beat) I'm too tall to be a leprechaun.

SPACE GHOST: Okay, okay. 'Cause I was gonna say, you're the worst leprechaun that we've ever had on the show.

DENIS LEARY: Look, look, here's the bottom line...

SPACE GHOST: Ho- hold on. (flies off)

DENIS LEARY: (to Zorak) You have Madonna's new album?

ZORAK: (hisses)

DENIS LEARY: Somebody's buyin' it.

(In the control room, Lokar is on Moltar's monitor)

LOKAR: Have you any dangerously sequinned hot pants?

MOLTAR: Um... no.

LOKAR: Perchance a scented thong?

MOLTAR: I have some underwear that's scented, but... I don't think it's what you're lookin' for.

LOKAR: Oh... gorgeous!

(In the studio, Space Ghost bounds back to his chair, sporting a crude drawn-on mustache)

SPACE GHOST: (whispers) Hey, Denis! (normal Voice) Notice anything... different?


SPACE GHOST: About my face?

DENIS LEARY: We don't really care.

SPACE GHOST: Hey, Zorak.

ZORAK: (sporting a toucan beak)

SPACE GHOST: (Beat) (sighs) Anybody else have any questions for Denis? (Beat) Anyone? Anyone? (mustache is gone) Anyone?

MOLTAR: (marches out, slams cards down on Space Ghost's desk) Try this one.

SPACE GHOST: (reading card) "Nice jacket Fonzie." (to Moltar) And you want me to say this?

MOLTAR: (nods)

SPACE GHOST: Out loud. To Denis.

MOLTAR: Go on.

SPACE GHOST: I don't think so.

MOLTAR: (groans in disgust) Sit on it! (walks off stage)

DENIS LEARY: Hey, lay off.

SPACE GHOST: That's my arch-enemy, Denis.


SPACE GHOST: Who are your arch-enemies? And don't say me.


SPACE GHOST: (does spit take on camera lens; audience laughs) Me?! (spits again, audience laughs again) Me?!?! (laughs) One more... (spits again, this time it's blood; audience gasps) Uh oh. (gulps)

DENIS LEARY: Aside from you, uh... Dr. Katz, another animated figure.

SPACE GHOST: Why don't you just launch him into the deep recesses of space?

DENIS LEARY: If I could.

SPACE GHOST: Oh, that's right, you're a smoker.

DENIS LEARY: Who's the last person you, you've launched into the deep recesses of... of space?

SPACE GHOST: My friend Edward.

DENIS LEARY: Why couldn't you do that with, say, Celine Dion?

SPACE GHOST: Oh no, I don't think Edward would approve of that.

DENIS LEARY: Not extremely powerful, I must say. (sips water)

SPACE GHOST: (Beat) I beat up Charlton Heston once.


SPACE GHOST: Over the holidays.

DENIS LEARY: In your one-dimensional world, you beat up Charlton Heston.

SPACE GHOST: Yeah, I hit him over the head with some books.

DENIS LEARY: So, you're actually bragging about beating up a man who must be in his late eighties, is that correct?

SPACE GHOST: Uh, late eighties, early nineties.

(In the control room, Brak is on Moltar's monitor)

BRAK: You have any farmer stuff?


BRAK: You have any astronaut stuff?


BRAK: You have any melba toast? 'Cause that's what I want.

MOLTAR: (trying to break in) I got - (sighs)

BRAK: I'd also like an army of rabbits, some tar, a glass hat, a book about lightning, a magical fortress made of rainbows...

MOLTAR: (trying to interrupt) Brak... Brak... Brak!!!

BRAK: Yes?

MOLTAR: How're you gonna pay for all this?

BRAK: With rocks.

MOLTAR: (shouts) I hope you die before your wedding!

BRAK: What? I'm not gettin' mar- (Moltar throws lever, sending him away)

(In the studio)

SPACE GHOST: I guess my greatest fear would be to find myself hopelessly attracted to one of my coworkers.

(Camera zooms back to show Zorak sitting on Space Ghost's lap)

SPACE GHOST: What are you doing?

ZORAK: That'll be ten dollars.


ZORAK: (bounds away) You can owe me.

SPACE GHOST: Denis, what's your greatest fear?

DENIS LEARY: Probably, having to have my own... show on prime cable.

SPACE GHOST: Hey, do you wanna move in with me?

DENIS LEARY: No thank you.

SPACE GHOST: Well, then how would you like to help out around the set?

DENIS LEARY: Naw, that's okay.

SPACE GHOST: You sure?


SPACE GHOST: Maybe you could overcome your fears.

DENIS LEARY: I really have a packed schedule.

SPACE GHOST: We've got some exclusive interviews coming up.

DENIS LEARY: Yeah, I've got - with who?

SPACE GHOST: (Beat) My friend Edward.

DENIS LEARY: Yeah? And who else?


ZORAK: Denis Leary.

SPACE GHOST: That's right, Denis Leary, thank you Zorak.


ZORAK: You can owe me.

SPACE GHOST: Lots of big names.


SPACE GHOST: Big stuff going on here. (taps cards)

ZORAK: Hey! Weren't we supposed to blow -


(Music starts, then slows down and stops)

Later... at camp

(Four kids are sitting on the ground in a field, Space Ghost stands in their midst)

SPACE GHOST: And so, kids, that's the story of how I saved Christmas. (angrily) Now get back to work, ya fat humps!!
