Brak For President

All: Brak for president, Brak for president, Brak for president, Brak for president.
Brak: Hello!
All: You like Brak, I like Brak, everybody likes Brak.
Brak: Brak's my name and that's what it is.
All: Hang out the banners, beat the drum, we'll take Brak to Washington. Brak for president, Brak for president, Brak for president, Brak for president.
Brak: Me for president, me for president, Brak for president!
All: We don't want Fudd or Fred or Phooey, let's do the big job right.
Brak: Big job.
All: So get in step with the guy that's hep, get in step with Brak.
Brak: Get in line, baby!
All: 3,4, You like Brak, I like Brak, everybody likes Brak.
Brak: Oh-ho-ho... oh boy.
All: Hang out the banners, beat the drum, we'll take Brak to Washington, We'll take Brak to Washington...
Brak: D.C., not the state! I hope. A vote for Brak is a vote for beans every day. Good gassy gobbledy-good beans, toodley-doo!
